Cona Elder Law


WEBINAR: How to Choose a Fiduciary: Executor or Trustee

When creating or updating your Estate Plan, you need to designate a number of fiduciaries (decision makers), such as agent, guardian, executor, and trustee. It's important to carefully consider who you choose to give rights and powers to on your behalf. Partner Marcus O'Toole-Gelo will guide you through choosing a fiduciary for each legal document […]

National Healthcare Decisions Day: Get Your Advance Directives

April 16th is National Healthcare Decisions Day, a day for all of us to take stock and ask ourselves: “Do I have Advance Directives: a Health Care Proxy, Living Will and Power of Attorney? Who will make health care decisions for me if I am unable to? What are my end-of-life wishes and have I […]

WEBINAR: Life Strategies: Essential Planning at Every Age

Join Leadership in Law recipient and Partner Marcus O'Toole-Gelo to discuss the importance of Elder Law and Estate Planning for individuals from their 40s through their 80s plus life-changing events that warrant a visit to your Elder Law and Estate Planning attorney. Mr. O'Toole-Gelo will provide strategies to help you preserve your hard-earned assets and […]

What Type of Trust is Right for Me?

You’ve worked hard to build your nest egg and create the life you’ve envisioned for you and your loved ones. As a result, it’s important you take the proper steps and use the right legal tools to ensure the fruits of your labor are protected and transferred to your heirs and loved ones how you […]

WEBINAR: Asset Protection for Long Term Care

Join award-winning Senior Partner Melissa Negrin-Wiener along with guest Neil Himmelstein, President of Main Street Planning Group, Inc., a full service insurance brokerage firm. The two will discuss the importance of planning ahead to protect assets in order to fund the costs of Long Term Care.

WEBINAR: Protecting the Family Home

Homes are typically a family’s largest asset, especially in New York and on Long Island. When creating an estate plan, it is important to look at the home as it relates to long term care planning. Join Partner Marcus O’Toole-Gelo to review the tools available to protect the family home and minimize your risks with […]

WEBINAR: Navigating New Medicaid Home Care Rules for Your Loved One

The Medicaid Home Care process can be daunting, from the financial approval process, to scheduling home care assessments, to the implementation of care plans. Award-Winning Senior Partner Melissa Negrin-Wiener will review how to proactively prepare to receive Medicaid services and what the entire picture entails. Join us to learn about: • Asset Protection Planning • […]

WEBINAR: Top 10 Probate & Estate Administration Mistakes

As the Executor or Administrator of your loved one’s estate, you'll have many responsibilities. Join Partner Marcus O’Toole-Gelo as he reviews the Top 10 most common probate and estate administration mistakes you'll want to avoid, including: • Actions resulting in financial accounts being locked or frozen • Income tax and estate tax traps • Medicaid […]

WEBINAR: Planning for Your Child with Special Needs

Join Senior Partner Melissa Negrin-Wiener to learn about: • How to Protect an Inheritance for a Child with Special Needs • Estate Planning with Special Needs Trusts: What You Need to Know • Preparing for Continuity of Healthcare and Financial Decision Making as Your Child Reaches Adulthood • Surrogate’s Court 17A Guardianships vs. Supreme Court […]

WEBINAR: The Ever-Changing Landscape of Medicaid Home Care & Why You Need an Elder Law Attorney

The Medicaid Home Care process can be daunting, from the financial approval process to scheduling home care assessments to the implementation of care plans. Award-Winning Senior Partner Melissa Negrin-Wiener will review how to proactively prepare to secure Medicaid benefits and what the entire process entails, including the recent changes to Medicaid assessments as well as […]

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