Cona Elder Law


Asset Protection for Long Term Care

Senior Associate Kristi DiPaolo will delve into the importance of proactive planning and offer practical advice on preserving your hard-earned assets while ensuring quality care for yourself or your loved ones.

How Heart Health Can Empower Your Best Life

As we focus on cardiovascular health for American Heart Month, join Cona Elder Law Senior Partner Melissa Negrin-Wiener in a discussion with Dr. Evelina Grayver, MD FACC, Director, Women's Heart Program, Katz Institute for Women's Health, Northwell Health's Central Region.

Mother, Daughter, Caregiver: How Elder Law Supports Women

Women are often tasked with caring for family members, including aging parents and in-laws, while still caring for their young and young adult children. Learn about ways to prepare for milestones for older family members through proper estate planning, including health and financial advance directives. Become informed yourself and help the women in your life […]

The Power of Planning to Protect Your Pot of Gold

Let Estate Planning be your lucky charm. Smart planning is the key to ensuring that your hard-earned pot of gold remains intact. Review strategies to help you protect your assets for the future with Senior Partner Melissa Negrin-Wiener. Register Now

Trusts 101: Key Strategies & Benefits

You’ve worked hard to build your nest egg and create the life you’ve envisioned for you and your loved ones. As a result, it’s important you take the proper steps […]

Navigating Medicaid for Your Loved One

The Medicaid home care process can be daunting, from the financial approval process, to home care assessments, to the implementation of care plans. Learn how to proactively prepare to secure Medicaid home care benefits and what the entire process entails. Topics covered will include: asset protection planning Medicaid planning Medicaid home care coordination services Presented […]

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