Cona Elder Law


Cona Elder Law Partners with Long Island Cares, Inc-The Harry Chapin Food Bank on “Military Appreciation Tuesdays”

Insert Image Law Firm Offers Veterans Free Help to Access VA Benefit    As a result of an increase in the number of veterans returning to Long Island in need of […]

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Cona Elder Law Closes Office For “In-House” Estate Planning Day for Employees and Their Families

Cona Elder Law Closes Office for a Day to Give Special Benefit to Staff and Spouses On Friday, June 10th, Cona Elder Law, a Melville-based elder law and estate planning firm, […]

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Seniors Told At “Senior Strategies Conference” To: Plan Ahead In Order To Protect Assets Now In Uncertain Federal And State Budget Environment

May 2011 With the expected Medicaid cuts and other changes on the local level, many of which are already effective under Cuomo’s state budget legislation, over 220 seniors attended a recent […]

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Cona Elder Law’s Senior Strategies Conference — May 17 & 18, 2011 — Medicaid and Estate Tax Laws: The Rules, They are A’Changin’. Cona Elder Law Gives Tips on How to Protect Your Assets

As Governor Cuomo continues to make drastic budget cuts and limit Medicaid expenditures, there will be dramatic changes to the care seniors and the disabled are able to access.  Those […]

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Tax Planning vs. Medicaid Planning: Know The Rules to Avoid Costly Mistakes

April 2011A couple in their 80’s made annual exclusion gifts of $13,000 per year to their 12 family members, including their children and their children’s spouses as well as grandchildren.  […]

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Cuomo’s Medicaid Conundrum: The Right Fix Takes the Right Team


​by Jennifer B. Cona, Esq. In a sweeping gesture on a hot-button topic, Governor Cuomo boldly announced the creation of a “Medicaid Redesign Team” in his State of the State address […]

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Patchogue Mom and Disabled Daughter Reunited After Five Year Separation Thanks to “Senior Dreams Come True”

When Jean Manheimer, 82, Patchogue, heard about the “Senior Dreams Come True” program, sponsored by Cona Elder Law Charitable Events, Melville, she never imagined that she would get the  chance […]

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“Senior Dreams Come True” Winner, Ronkonkoma, Selects New Mattress

January 2011 Program for Low Income Seniors Sponsored by LI Law Firm Cona Elder Law For over three years, Ralph Mercadante and his wife Catherine, both in their 70s and residents of […]

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