Early planning for Medicaid Home Care benefits is now more important than ever. After much delay and anticipation, new Medicaid Home Care rules are slated to take effect on October […]
Continue readingOn Saturday, April 9, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul signed the annual state budget and addressed many important issues facing older adults. The budget expands Medicaid benefits for people 65 and […]
Continue readingRetirement savings are critical for all of us but so is following the strict laws and rules when taking distributions. Unfortunately, these rules have been changing practically every year, making […]
Continue readingNew federal tax legislation is on the horizon, with significant changes for estate and gift taxes. President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan, currently wending its way through Congress, proposes to […]
Continue readingOnline scams targeting seniors have existed for as long as seniors have been going online. The newest scams rely on victims’ familiarity with legitimate services.Newsday recently reported a Geek Squad email […]
Continue readingPublished in Long Island Business News by Julianne Mosher Back in December, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed new legislation, making significant changes to the power of attorney statute. The changes revised, […]
Continue readingThe Biden Administration is preparing to make sweeping changes to our taxes in order to pay for infrastructure projects. The estate and gift tax laws are currently on the chopping […]
Continue readingImagine this scenario: You are the parent of a college student. Your telephone rings one evening and on the other end is your child’s roommate telling you that your child was […]
Continue readingHoliday family gatherings are not just good for catching-up; they are an opportunity to assess your aging loved one’s status and needs. Certain clues can reveal a decline in mental or physical […]
Continue readingHave you ever received a suspicious phone call or email? Your parents or elderly relatives most likely have. Police and prosecutors say scams against seniors are on the rise nationwide. […]
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