Cona Elder Law

Medicaid, what you need to know.

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Medicaid: Medicaid Myths

In this lesson series, we’re going to be discussing all the facts about Medicaid institutional and home care and how to get through the process when it comes to planning for and applying for Medicaid benefits.

There are a lot of misconceptions out there and a lot of really bad information. Don’t be frightened by what you may have heard. The Medicaid process doesn’t have to be scary. There are so many benefits available that people don’t even realize they can qualify for.

The most common thing that we hear is, “I have too much money or I make too much money to qualify for Medicaid benefits.”

Proper planning can help with this problem and can help you qualify for Medicaid benefits and help your loved one receive quality care. Every Medicaid situation is unique.

Our experienced attorneys here at Cona Elder Law can walk you through the process and take fear out of the unknown. No matter what the financial situation may be, what transfers may have been made in the past, what situations were going on with the family — We can come up with a plan and make sure that we maximize the benefits you can receive from the Medicaid program.

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