Cona Elder Law

Seniors Should Plan for Medicaid Cuts

August 14, 2017

Jennifer B. Cona

With health care reform on hold, now is the time for older adults to act to protect themselves, their families and their assets [“McCain: Unite to fix Obamacare,” News, July 29].

Seniors can expect an increase in health care costs and a decrease in government benefits, including Medicaid. Medicaid home care benefits will likely be cut dramatically. Most older adults wish to age in place, and these benefits allow seniors to remain at home and qualify for necessary care.

Spousal refusal will likely be on the chopping block. Currently, when one spouse becomes ill, he or she can transfer assets to the well spouse and qualify for Medicaid immediately. Federal law has allowed this because, as a matter of public policy, we do not wish to bankrupt and impoverish a senior whose only transgression is having a spouse with a long-term illness. A reform bill will likely kick these decisions to the state level, allowing New York to eliminate spousal refusal and impose a look-back and penalty period not just for Medicaid institutional benefits but for home care benefits as well.

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About the Author Cona Elder Law

Cona Elder Law is a full service law firm based in Melville, LI. Our firm concentrates in the areas of elder law, estate planning, estate administration and litigation, special needs planning and health care facility representation. We are proud to have been recognized for our innovative strategies, creative techniques and unparalleled negotiating skills unendingly driven toward our paramount objective - satisfying the needs of our clients.

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