Cona Elder Law


Top 8 Things to Do After a Dementia Diagnosis

In what is becoming all too common, another celebrity has filed for conservatorship (known as Guardianship in New York) of a family member. In this case, Jay Leno is seeking […]

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Asset Protection Planning Explained

By Jennifer Cona, Esq. Originally published in the Port Jefferson Times Record. Many people have heard about asset protection planning and are even aware that it is something they should […]

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Medical Debt No Longer Reportable to Credit Reporting Agencies

The rising cost of health care in recent years has led to a significant increase in medical debt, with far-reaching impact on New York consumers and their credit. On December […]

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Picture of mother and child with special needs

Types of Special Needs Trusts

If you or a loved one is living with a disability, the importance of planning for a secure future, both financially and medically, becomes even more critical. A Special Needs […]

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Estate Planning for Your Digital Assets

By Jennifer Cona, Esq. Originally published in the January issue of Long Island Press, Power of Your Attorney. The law is notoriously slow to catch up to technology but not […]

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Celebrity Conservatorship: Protecting Adult Children with Addiction

Whether you get your news from the television, the internet, or the good old newspaper, you can’t help but notice the proliferation of stories about celebrities or their children who […]

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New Legislation Provides Bill of Rights for LGBTQIA+ Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

While significant strides have been made in recent years towards combatting discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals, it can still be difficult for some residents in senior living and long-term care settings […]

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New York State Considers Providing Long-Term Care Benefits for Residents

In recent years, several states have sought new ways to address the growing demand for long-term care among their aging residents. Washington state became the first state to enact a state-run […]

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Donations in All Sizes: The Significance of Every Gift in Estate Planning

Many clients that we speak with about estate planning frequently state that they do not feel like they have enough to give to charity, and we could not disagree more. […]

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Veterans Benefits: Understand Your Benefits and Plan Ahead


As we reflect on all our Veterans have done for our country to keep us safe, to keep us free, and to uphold our democracy, it’s a good time to […]

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