Caregiver Conference:
Innovative Resources for
Quality Caregiving
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Hofstra University School of Law
121 Hofstra University
Are you caring for a mother with Alzheimer’s, a spouse with heart disease or a frail grandparent with a broken hip? If you’re among the 66 million Americans who have taken on the role of family caregiver, you know the stress and anxiety that go along with the job. Caregivers need comprehensive information and help to make their jobs more manageable.
To provide family caregivers with practical solutions and strategies, Cona Elder Law and the Hofstra University School of Law invite you to attend our FREE Caregiver Conference.
At the conference, you will learn how to navigate the system of available benefits, explore community programs and care options, learn how to engage in proper planning to protect assets, and determine the best way to finance needed care and services. You will also get practical tips and advice on providing quality living for your loved one.
Program Agenda
Caring for Aging Parents: Services and Benefits
Melissa Negrin-Wiener, Esq., Cona Elder Law
- Community Programs for Seniors
- Options for Financing Health Care Needs
- Government Benefits: Medicaid and Veterans Benefits
Preserving Assets: It’s Never Too Early or Too Late
Paul Hyl, Esq., Cona Elder Law
- Planning in Advance with Asset Protection Trusts
- Exempt Assets and Transfers
- Crisis Planning with Promissory Notes
The Latest Strategies in Long Term Care
Natalie Karp, MBA, CLTC and
Rona Loshak, MBA, CLTC,
Karp Loshak LTC Insurance Solutions
- Long Term Care Insurance: Who Needs It and How Does it Work?
- New York State Partnership Plans: New Rules and Reciprocity
- Combining Benefits: Life and Long Term Care Insurance for a Guaranteed Return
Caregiver Toolkit: Caring Well for Your Family Member with Dementia
Barbara F. Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist, Innovations for Quality Living
- The Etiology and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related
Dementias - Improving Communication, Structure and Safety in the Home
- Creating Meaningful and Satisfying Routines

Thank You to Our Sponsors:

Become a Conference Sponsor:
Click here for the Sponsor Form
Become a Conference Exhibitor:
Click here for the Exhibitor Form
Nominations for the "Caregiver of the Year"
Don’t miss the opportunity to nominate a caregiver for the “Caregiver of the Year” award.
Visit to learn more and for a nomination form.
This is a FREE Conference. Light dinner will be served.
RSVP by April 10th to Moriah Farrell at 631.390.5000 or
Download Brochure
Click here to download Our Brochure.