Cona Elder Law

Cona Elder Law supports Women's heart health

Cona Elder Law Goes Red to Support Women’s Heart Health

Did You Know: Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of Women?

February is National Heart Awareness Month, and February 1st is National Wear Red Day. Wearing red is an important part of the Go Red for Women goal to build awareness and urge women to take concrete actions to reduce their risk of heart disease. To show our support in building awareness, Cona Elder Law would like to share this important information regarding women’s heart health to further the education on this horrible disease.

Commit to Health

The American Heart Association makes a statement that it is no longer just about wearing red; it’s no longer just about sharing heart health facts. It’s about all women making a commitment to stand together with Go Red and taking charge of their own heart health as well as the health of those they can’t bear to live without.

As women, we tend to put others ahead of ourselves. But if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of everyone else around us. If you don’t make your health a priority, who will?

Signs and Symptoms

According to The American Heart Association, while there are many similarities in the symptoms of heart disease in men and women, there are even more differences – differences that could save, or end your life if you don’t know them. So before you pass that jaw pain off as the result of sleeping funny or lightheadedness as something a snack or rest can fix, learn the symptoms. And don’t ignore them.

Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack

Signs and Symptoms of Stroke


Learn more about how to get involved HERE.


About the Author Cona Elder Law

Cona Elder Law is a full service law firm based in Melville, LI. Our firm concentrates in the areas of elder law, estate planning, estate administration and litigation, special needs planning and health care facility representation. We are proud to have been recognized for our innovative strategies, creative techniques and unparalleled negotiating skills unendingly driven toward our paramount objective - satisfying the needs of our clients.

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